Creative Home Adventures

What gets your creativity flowing? Do you have unused items that you can’t throw away because you just love the design of the piece? Little treasures that you may have hidden away that you love to look at and that bring a smile to your face? What about things that you love because of their interesting color or shape, or perhaps a very interesting texture to them?

Mood Board: Photo Credit by Erica George Dines Photography, Atlanta, GAWith what do you fill your dwelling space? For me, as you can imagine, this is my favorite part of the work I do. If you were to stop by my studio on those days when I am in ‘design mode,’ it can look like a hurricane has hit the place. Here are some of the things you might see: fabric books everything; catalog tear sheets with furniture and accessory photos on every available surface; floor plans and furniture arrangements on top of it all; more ideas taped to bulletin boards and the like; you get the idea. I can be messy when I am in creative mode. It is really an unbelievably exciting flow of ideas that just works.

On each project I work on, I pray for the best ideas to flow from our Heavenly Creator, through my mind and into the spaces my clients ask me to design for them. Then, I am able to make them come to life on His power; it is an incredibly rewarding process to be involved in; co-laboring with God on something that will be a blessing for the families I serve for years to come.

Designer Leah Richardson shares, “I can search the world over for beautiful things to fill my heart and home, but until I recognize and appreciate that what is truly beautiful is what lies within me – I will never find it.” How very true. The gift of God residing in our hearts is what fills our spiritual dwellings in a most beautiful way.

To Happy Decorating! More later,

Photo Credit by Erica George Dines Photography, Atlanta, GA
Suzanne Kasler‘s Office from Atlanta Homes Magazine

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