Hooray for Hollywood Regency! … and why we love it!

Why? Because it’s over the top! Hollywood Regency style is a perfect reflection of movie star glitz and glamour. It symbolizes an escape from reality; it is lavish and opulent, fantasy in its purest form.

Hollywood Regency design by Barclay ButeraDuring Hollywood’s golden age movie stars were larger than life; they were put on pedestals, protected from scandal. They appeared to be perfection and as such were treated as American royalty. Their opulent homes reflected their star status; luxurious showplaces designed to illuminate the fabulous fashionable lives of their celebrity occupants.

Hollywood Regency is a fusion of art deco, neo-classicism and modernism all blended together to form an exuberant glamorous style. Furniture has clean lines with ornate details and lots of shine; functional but entertaining to the eye. Surfaces are brilliant and reflective, covered in mirror, lacquer and chrome. Everything is fabulous from the velvet draperies to the faux fur accents to the glittering chandeliers. Palettes vary but the fundamentals include white, cream and black with accessories of brilliant colors to add even more excitement.

Hollywood Regency Living RoomWant to add a little Hollywood glamour to your home? There are no definite rules, but make sure your design is confident, glamorous, symmetrical and elegant. Use luxurious materials (velvet, satin, faux fur), oversized furniture, mirrored or lacquered tables, sparkling crystal chandeliers, mirrors (baroque works wonderfully) and don’t forget some bold graphic black and white elements (zebra rug, black and white patterned fabric).

Hollywood Regency is as current and ground breaking today as it was in the early twentieth century. It is more than a design style; it is a state of mind! Hollywood Regency practically screams I love my glamorous exciting life and I’m going to live it in the moment and enjoy every second.

To Happy Decorating! More later,

Design by Barclay Butera

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